Friday, June 25, 2010

June (so far) and prayer request(s)

Hi all!
June has been insanely busy for me and my family!! :P But it was a good, busy and fun month. :)
I'm doing good!
Speech therapy is going well. Hard to believe that Ben and I only have 1-3 months left :(
Also its hard to believe that I've had my Cochelar Implant for 6 months now!!! =O

School is okay but I'm still behind... :( But I'm really hoping and praying that I will finish and get caught up and graduate THIS YEAR. not next year, nor the year after. I really want to be finished with high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting pretty excited- my family is going on our annual family vacation with Dad's side of relatives on the first week of July. :D It's fun and its wonderful to relax, have fun and catch up/hang out with my uncles, aunts and cousins that we only see around holidays.

So far, it looks like July is going to be pretty busy too but mostly full of fun actives and stuff like that. :D and school too...ugh. :P

I have a couple of prayer requests:
Please pray for me- i'm really hoping with God and Dad's blessing to go to a deaf camp in July- it's for deaf people and its a Christian camp. I've never gone to it before but heard of it last year but didn't go. :( but i'm really hoping to go this year, if God will let me. And it's in another state that is pretty far from where i live. And also- one small problem, if i can go is the cost...$150. But i know its a good deal- for each person at camp for a week. But i know if God will let me know, He will provide the money for me.

And please also pray for me about school- please pray that i will be able to understand math better and get caught up and reach my goal of graduating this year. Thank you!!

Gotta go- going to eat yummy homemade pizza with my family and watch "The Blind Side" :)

God bless y'all,
have a good weekend!!

P.S. I watched the Blind Side...its a good movie, besides some parts that I wish they didn't do. (bad parts) but otherwise, its a good movie. :)


The Sisson Clan said...

Dear Hannah,

It was so fun to come here and see that you had posted! It sounds like you have a happily busy July coming up. Enjoy!
We will be praying for your speech therapy and your math. Several of our family members got through math on prayer power. It really does make a difference if you pray at the start of each session. And don't worry. We home educators go on excellence and mastery rather than on a school calendar for graduation. (I know I know you just want to get it done!)
May the Lord bless you as you seek Him about all your plans.
Mrs. Sisson

The Sisson Clan said...

PS I was disappointed in some of the scenes that they stuck in the Blindside as well. Hollywood just doesn't understand believers. We watched it with our kids with the fast forward button on call.

The Sisson Clan said...

PS I was disappointed in some of the scenes that they stuck in the Blindside as well. Hollywood just doesn't understand believers. We watched it with our kids with the fast forward button on call.

Hannah Banana said...

Hi! Thank you very much!! :) I really appreciate prayers and sweet comment!

I agree with what you say about Blind Side. :(