Monday, June 25, 2012

Giveaway (Dug.gars)

HI all! There's a giveaway going on at :) just want to give y'all a heads up. I'm a BIG fan of the Dug.gar family!!! Click or copy and paste the link to check it out :) Till next time, Hannah

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trusting God...

I have a bad habit- I worry sometimes too much. But now I'm starting to realize that no matter how much I worry, it doesn't change a thing and God is ALWAYS in control, no matter what is happening today!! I'm really thankful about that. I'm trying to now take more pictures outdoors esp since I have a new camera. I'm trying to make it a habit since I enjoy taking pics :) just never really bother to try to do new things. I'm trying to learn to trust God more and more and just relax, and let things go the way He wants them to go. I feel like I need to know ahead and plan ahead all the time but now I'm starting to realize it doesnt really matter what happens since GOD already knows what will happen. WE don't. Only what we plan to do. I had work today- B didn't come with me this time he already promised to work with Dad today so it felt weird working myself. I'm glad/thankful for some work esp with vacation coming up. I'm trying to budget but it's HARD!! But now I'm trying to remind myself that I need to save up some money for vacation. I sometimes freak out too much if I don't have enough saved up for something but it will always work out, God willing. This is really random...I don't know how to not jump to other subjects! lol :P Well I gotta go! Till next time, God bless! -Hannah

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend/Fathers day

Hi all! How was everyone's weekend?? What did you do to celebrate Fathers day? Since part of the family is gone camping only B, Dad and I were the ones home. We went to church together, went out for lunch, and then went to the golf range to do some golfing- it was my first time doing the real thing...I'm used to mini golf so it feels weird. I need to practice lots before I feel good about golfing :P lol Then we watched some N.C.I.S with dinner :) B made hamburgers and fries. Pretty good but I now know I like oven baked fries better than frying because i know its kinda good but not that healthy. :P Today I'm hoping/planning to do some cleaning for reals in my room and hopefully cut some grass if the lawn mower will cooperate with :P i didn't get to finish up what I started last week when it won't start up. IDK why. This week is going to be kinda busy again but also I totally can't wait for Friday to come because the missing members of the family will be back home!! I miss them. Even tho it was nice to have a quiet house for almost 2 weeks and just less dishes and food to cook, I still miss them and can't wait for them to be back. I can't wait for July 7th/8th to come!! I can't really say why till close to it...sorry. Well I'll try to post some pics in my next post. Right now IDK what pics u guys want/like to see. Till next time, Hannah

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

current events and conference

Hi! Here's the last 2 pics of stuff I brought from rummage/garage sales...sorry this took me long. The first one is just a pic I took at a park. is all right so far- this past weekend had been family and I went to a home school conference and it was a lot of fun. I learned a lot. And got to meet a blogger- Madeline. She's really nice and sweet :) I'm bummed out I didn't get to talk to her very long but it was nice to finally meet her since I really enjoy reading her blog- i recommend that you should check it out! :) Anyways...I also got to hear some of the Dug.gar girls! I got to meet Jana and Jill Du.ggar later and got a book signed and pics. They're really sweet! Jill even knows some signs :D I'm a BIG fan of them!! lol. the speakers at the conference were really good and I'm looking forward to going again next year! i wonder who will be speaking next year?!? :) Well...besides the conference I've been doing alright just keeping myself busy-right now I'm cutting the lawn since our grass is tall! only have one more part to go which I'll be doing tomorrow, hopefully. I'm TRYING to finish up math to graduate but I'm not trying hard enough. Need prayers please! i really want to be finished. My family is doing great- busy as always. Some are gone right now at a camp and it feels weird around here with only like half of the family gone. I kinda miss them but I hope they're learning a lot and having fun. Well I better get going! Sorry this is kinda short/boring? I'll try to do better next time but right now I can't really think of anything else to write about. Till next time, Hannah !