Thursday, August 25, 2011



Right now...all i can say is: YUP I'M STILL ALIVE!
i'm busy...busy...busy...busy...need i say more? ;)

I'm really terrible at writing/keeping my blog(s) updated...especially writing in my journal :P But i hope to improve this fall as i'm planning to try to set up a schedule for school and life in general and see how it goes. I plan to include journaling and/or my internet blog. :)

I'll try to give y'all a real post update by September but right now I'm trying to enjoy the rest of my summer especially since it's almost over. :'(

This week has been kinda less busy than i'm used to but i'm thankful to relax right now since I've been really insanely busy the past several months- fun, good and work busy. ;)

Hope all is well with y'all!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

God bless,


Gretchen said...

Summer is just a busy time, isn't it? At least it's usually fun too! - GJ

Hannah Banana said...

@Nitchfield News

Yeah it sure is!!! :)