Hi all,
First of all: If you have noticed, my blog has a new look for Christmas...lots of thanks to Rachel from http://rachyracheshobbycorner.blogspot.com :)
Thank you very much, Rachel!!! I love it.
So much for posting on Wednesday...ended up staying another night at my aunt's because the last batch of the truffles took longer than I thought to harden :P But now that's over and I finally got to use the computer right now :)
So...I'll do the Christmas Tag (even tho it's kinda close to Christmas)that I was tagged by Rachel at http://rachyracheshobbycorner.blogspot.com/ (IDK how to link it up so you'll have to copy the link and paste it on another new tab or whatever. Sorry!)
:) Here we go!
*Link to the person/blog you got tagged from
*Do the tag
*Tag three people!
So, here's the tag:
Is your Christmas tree up?
YES! :D We got it last Saturday (the 10th)and decorated it. We could've gotten it sooner but everyone was busy so it didn't work out.
How about the rest of your decorations?
My siblings put up the rest of the decorations while I was at my aunt's so yes they're up too. I'm working on decorating my room too-finally got my little Christmas tree up :)
Do you have an artificial tree or a real tree?
Real, ofc!!! Fake is not as much fun and no scent. I LOVE the smell of pine tree.
Do you have any lights or decorations outside?
We used to many years ago- but no. Wish we do tho.
Do you have a favorite ornament on the tree?
Hmm...I have too many. :P Sorry I can't just pick one but one of them is a Precious Moment ornament with my birth year on it...each of us kids except for Sam had one. We didn't put them up till 1-2 years ago because before then we had cats and don't want to have them break. :-S
How many Christmas trees do you usually have up?
One (also 2-3...Sam, Maribeth and I all have our own little fake trees for our room)
What is the best Christmas present you have ever gotten?
*sigh* hard to choose...I hate choosing a favorite when there's many. Hmm....last year I think it was probably...some of the Ludys books (i think i got 2 last year?) from my sisters, portable cd player from my grandparents, Celtic Woman Songs from the Heart CD, and 1-3 years ago one of my top favorite gifts was a warp board that my cousin Tim made for me. :)
Who do you celebrate Christmas with?
Basically my mom's side of the family on Christmas Eve at my grandparents' house and friends at church, then Christmas Day just w/ my family. Then later around New Years day or before we celebrate w/ my dad's side of family.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
I don't have a favorite because there is too many... :P
Silent Night, Away in a Manager, Green the whole year 'round, Drummer Boy, White Christmas, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (idk if i got the title right?)and MANY more!! I like basically them all.
What is your favorite Christmas food?
*sigh* I have too many favorites...I think my Grandma P's ham and her cookies...and fudge, truffles, and many others.
What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Again, I have too many. I think one of my favorites was when we used to do the Christmas play with my cousins at my grandparents' house when we were young. Now there's a new memory that I like- my Grandma G started it a couple of years ago- we do a Left and Right game. It's fun. :)
Again as i say before, there are many more but I can't list them all.
Do you have trouble falling asleep on Christmas eve?
What time do you usually wake up on Christmas morning?
When it's not on a Sunday, I THINK around 8-9? Depends how late we get home from my grandparents' house.
Do you do any special traditions for Christmas?
Plenty...the Left and Right game, singing Happy Birthday to Jesus w/ a cake, and just spending time w/ my family and relatives at my grandparents' house.
When we decorate our Christmas tree we always listen/watch to A Celtic Woman Christmas Celebration. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
On Christmas Day we always watch Christmas movies(It's a Wonderful Life, A White Christmas, The Holiday Inn, and many more I think) after opening presents and just have fun as a family. :)
I think there's some more but I can't remember. :P
Okay...now to tag people...hmmm...I tag:
Leah at http://psalm34-1.blogspot.com
Gretchen at http://nitchfield.blogspot.com
3rd person...I don't really know anyone else :P so it'll have to be just 2...sorry.
Thank you for tagging me, Rachel! :)
Now in other news: Gretchen asked me to post pics of some of my weaving works and I said that I maybe will, so here we go!
I finally finished the rugs and finished up hemming all of them this past week. :)
The first 2 pics of the rug is for my brothers' room, the 2nd rug (3rd pic) is for the laundry room, and the 4th rug (last pic) is probably for the upstairs hall even tho we have carpet upstairs.
I can't believe it's only 6 days till Christmas!! :D What are you planning to do for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? :)
I better get going. Will try to update before Christmas. This coming week is going to be kinda insane and fun. :) :P
PLEASE pray for L, B and I this coming week...we have a midterm test coming up on Thursday for Western Civilization. :P FUN! not. I'm trying to focus on studying for the test even tho I don't need/want to. We all have a busy week ahead so hopefully we will have time to study.
Thank you in advance!
Till next time, have a wonderful weekend!
So glad you did it! :D
Also, linking means giving the blog address (link of the blog) in your post, which you did. ;)
Those rugs look super-cool! :D
(Oh! And thanks so much for mentioning me about the blog design! :D)
Ooo, thanks for the pictures Hannah! Those are rugs are perfect! They look like they came from a store they are so even - and I love the colors too! I have lots of blue in my home.
Now I want one!
Rachel- thanks!!
Gretchen- aww thank you! :)
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